"I am so thrilled with my life after healing my relationship patterns and learning to LOVE myself first. I want to share everything I've learned with other women so they can avoid the pain of relationship trauma and abuse."
I hear this story over and over with my clients and I suspect that YOU may feel this way too.
I'll never forget that day back in 2015 when the desire was delivered to me straight from the DIVINE as I was walking home from dropping my kids off at school.
I thought to myself, "I sure would love to help people in the ways that so many people have helped me through my devastating divorce and breakup from my subsequent relationship."
Even though I was broke as a joke, the list of people who found their way to support me through my painful journey was long and truly impressive.
Along my path…
I read a mountain of personal development books.
I cried on the phone for hours with friends and family.
God delivered a wonderful, patient therapist who worked with me at the Jewish Community Center on a sliding scale I could actually afford. OMG, she changed me!
I took a yoga teacher training course. Hello awakening and elevation!!!
I discovered a Law of Attraction podcast and the trajectory of my life went in a whole new direction as I learned to journal my desires into reality. I would absolutely call that my AWAKENING moment.
I found Louise Hay's work and started to share what I learned with others on Facebook.
But guess what happened when I wished that wish?
My inner mean girl laughed at me and said, "who in the world would listen to you and how could you possibly help anyone?
You're not an author, a coach, a leader or a therapist.
You're a hot mess express!"
Shock and Awe, I know!
Then my higher self stepped into the conversation and said, "Of Course! This is exactly why you've been through all of this and why you've been guided to all of the exact amazing helpers along the way and why you have the soul aligned desire to help others.
You are here to help people heal their lives and help their families. Period. End of Story. It is DONE!
In that moment, it ALL came together.
Next level Gina was born!!
I started coaching within 6 months of that moment and have been transforming the lives of women around the world at every price point from free to high ticket 1:1 work through my social media posts, my online courses, my private coaching, my mastermind groups and my magical Soul Journey Retreats.
I've developed the confidence to create from my soul by taking the steps before I felt ready, investing in mentorships from the most amazing coaches, connecting with other leaders in masterminds and attending live retreats.
The most powerful and impactful experiences for me have been when I get in the room with these trailblazers and truly connect with women who are also serving with courage and purpose.
The conversations that take place around the table during meals, through our deep dive workshops and in the white space where nothing is scheduled, but friendships are born and relationships developing...this is where the magic happens.
I'm so excited to be sharing this incredible opportunity for you to get in the room with me and 6 other soul-based entrepreneurs who are taking action to bring their spiritual, healing work to the world and get paid!
I've created the most magical 6 day retreat experience in Baja Mexico for us to dive into your business. I will guide you to develop confidence, gain clarity and build deeper connections so you can successfully launch your next offer.
I know that being in business for yourself feels scary, lonely and truly confusing.
Well, not anymore, my friend...
Not only will we be together for 6 days in person as you create, launch and sell your next offer, but we are going to be your launch partners following the retreat for 3 months in our group mastermind! Buckle UP, you’re about to launch!