7 Steps to Manifesting Your Desires

God gives you instructions for experiencing your highest potential and living in your purpose through your unwavering and inspirational desires. 

These desires are not mere flights of fancy, no matter how trivial, surface or silly they may seem, these are your unique and perfect instructions from GOD for your highest potential and purpose in this lifetime and in this human form. 

Nobody else has your exact dreams and desires. There is a reason for that…They are meant for you to pursue and to transcend any and all fears, limitations, obstacles or doubts through your continued and committed practice of carving out space and time each and every day to listen for your instructions. 

As you start to hear with more clarity, you honor and trust your divine desires as clear instructions. You will hold them in high regard, displacing outdated loyalties to familial, religious or cultural ideals.  Tune in (to your inner guidance) to tune out (low frequency fears).

As you move toward them in faith, your energy levels elevate, you grow increasingly enthusiastic and optimistic about your life, your confidence develops, the universe feels your elevated emotions and delivers more clarity and magic. 

As you clean up your duality (step 2), your magnetic field of attraction grows so strong it will seem like magic when miracles and synchronicities start to unfold in your daily life. 

Your continued practice fuels your desires with elevated emotions and you calibrate to higher and higher frequencies where your dreams are affirmed to you in the form of inspired ideas, synchronicities, chance opportunities and miraculous solutions to what you thought were impossible problems. 

You could not have orchestrated or manipulated any of these into your physical experience…you co-created them through your deep connection  with the divine.

Your growing confidence in yourself leads you further afield…you may move farther outside of your comfort zone, where you will encounter more challenges, new fears and doubts and imagined limitations that you are now faced with overcoming by staying mindful, focused and open to learning.  

You’ve been preparing for this moment for your whole life. It’s time to BE HER NOW. 

You cannot for a moment take your eye off the vision. Fortunes in life, love, health and prosperity come to those who practice living in the end, collapsing time and continually, consistently listening to the whispers of the soul and taking them as divine instructions. 

Step 1 in manifesting the life of your dreams: Admit what you actually, truly, deeply desire.

Do not water them down or diminish them because of what you fear others might think. Do not share your desires with people who will (out of love and protection and sometimes envy) hose them down or squash them. 

These are your instructions for your life, not anyone else’s. 

Go ahead now and write what comes to your heart right now in as much full, sensual detail as you can. Sit with yourself and ask what you would want most if there are no financial or logistical limitations whatsoever. 

Step 2 involves bringing awareness to all of the conscious and subconscious barriers to your desires. 

It is easy at first to rattle off all of the obvious reasons you think you can’t have the love, money, freedom, joy, health and life that you desire… go ahead… list them now.  I’ll wait. 

You may be thinking such things like I am too old, I don’t know how to make money, there are no good men out there, and if there were, they don’t like me, I’ve been addicted to food/alcohol/bad relationships/etc for too long, I have (blank disorder), I can’t focus, I just don’t have what it takes….

It really doesn’t matter what you think keeps you separate from your dreams, but it is important that you acknowledge what they are and start to dismantle them, reframe them, take action to change them or simply transcend them. Working with a friend, mentor or mindset coach can help you work through a lot of these limiting ideas and beliefs. 

Taking your spiritual practice deeper will guide you into higher frequencies where you actually transcend any and all barriers to the emotional states you desire to experience. 

You see, the only reason we want a thing is because we think we will feel better in the having of that thing. If you think a relationship will make you feel more loved, I am here to tell you, it won’t. In fact, if you seek a relationship to fill a void, you will attract a relationship that magnifies your emptiness. 

I’ll share how to transcend lackful ideas and feelings in Step 3 - that is where the real fun begins.

For now, though, let’s keep our attention on anything else, maybe less obvious, maybe really pushed down in your psyche, maybe it’s a habit of thought that has developed such a deep groove in your brain, you don’t even know you are thinking it…it’s a subtle voice that feels so much like the truth, you have never even questioned it.

These are beliefs that either we came up with on our own or more likely, were handed to us from a very early age through family, religion, teachers or cultural norms and the good news is, if they do not fit the ideals you are calling into your life, you can change them. 

Beliefs, as strong as they are, are simply thoughts you’ve thought over and over and over again until you no longer question them. When you bring them up in your awareness through this work, you can see which beliefs are actually holding you back and you can dismantle them in various ways. 

There are so many ways to do this…I’ll share just a few of my favorites here: 

1. Replace them with better feeling thoughts through affirmations and repetitions - simply write down and repeat what you want to believe and read them out loud often (several times throughout the day).

2. Find evidence in the world or in your own life that supports a belief that is aligned with your desires. Your brain is like a dog with a bone (or Google), it will retrieve anything you ask it to. Ask your brain to show you evidence of what you desire… happy relationships, wealthy people who overcome mental illnesses, successful artists who started after the age of 60, etc. 

3. Surround yourself with inspiring people who do not share your limiting beliefs and watch how you start to build better beliefs simply by changing your environment, your social circle and your media consumption. I can’t emphasize this enough…we truly are deeply influenced by the people we spend time with, our physical environment and how we spend our time online or reading, etc. 

There are many more strategies to changing your conscious and subconscious belief systems, but I would start here. 

As you continue this work and start to manifest more magic into your life experience, you will face new challenges and inner barriers, and the amazing news is, you will use these same tools and strategies to overcome them. 

Throughout this process you are freeing yourself from the prison of your mind so you can pursue your God given desires and live a life that is meaningful to you, also giving others the permission and freedom to pursue their highest ideals. 

Trust this journey of deep and personal excavation of your soul’s desires and purpose as you awaken to your inner powers of magnetism and manifestation. 

By raising your awareness to your seen and unseen belief systems, you are taking steps to elevate your frequency to become an energetic match to living your Divine Desires and claiming your Divine Identity. 

Step 3 to manifesting your desires is, in my opinion, soooo much fun! 

I love this part of the process so much and I practice it almost daily. 

Writing, speaking, living, seeing and feeling it into reality. 

I have taught this work for many years and this is where you will feel into your own personal favorite way to do this part of the process. 

Step 4 - infusing your desires with elevated emotion and embodying the feelings of your wishes fulfilled. 

Step 5 - acting as if - living in the end - in the state of faith

Step 6 -  This is where you make this work an integral part of your daily life. In spite of the lack of evidence that it is working, you repeat with unwavering faith. Every day you are reconnecting with your soul and recommitting to your desires

Receive and appreciate…notice along the way everything that you have received that are on the way or evidence of your desires. Notice all of the ways the universe is communicating to you and delivering exactly what you need. You are called to know that the journey is integral… bringing your present moment awareness to exactly what is being shown to you and understanding that what you might need on the way to your desires is not what you always think. 

You will be called to learn lessons, release patterns, develop new skills and tools and always trust that you are on the path.

Step 7 - repeat, repeat, repeat

When you become stronger in this work and realize that it works when you work it, you will experience more and more magic in your life. Your desires will evolve as well and no matter how big, impossible or outrageous your dreams (remember, Elon Musk wants to go to Mars and Steve Jobs put computers in our pockets…so, whatever you are conjuring up gets to be as big and crazy as your imagination can allow) you will continue to use the same 7 steps and there really is no limit to what you can achieve in your life.

If it has been shown to you, it is meant for you. 

p.s. I’m planning my next 6 day Soul Journey Retreat in Baja California del Sur (near Cabo San Lucas) where we will learn and embody these steps in person as I coach you through each step and feeling the feelings of your wishes fulfilled. Leave all of your worries and daily responsibilities behind  and immerse yourself in the elevated energy and environment of pure luxury for 6 days as you are guided with love through these steps to claim your Divine Identity

I have designed this experience to captivate your heart, breathe life into your visions and provide the perfect environment for the evolution of your dreams into clarity and reality. 

Baja Retreat Home

Realizing this dream of my own is a result of following the instructions straight from God in the form of a deep, unwavering and inspiring desire to serve women by showing them what is possible when they simply carve out the space and time to listen to the whispers on their soul. 

Your only job here is to do the inner work of excavating and breathing life into your desires. Melt away all of your resistance as you are treated to the most gorgeous property, ocean views and natural surroundings. Enjoy delicious and nutritious meals lovingly prepared for you by Cordon Bleu trained Chef Victor and his Sous Chef Sophia. 

Each day we will enjoy morning yoga or a beach walk, meditation and visualization activities to activate your soul connection, intimate workshops to work through the steps and process and exciting processes to breathe more life into your desires. 

I design my retreats with a beautiful schedule of activities and plenty of white space to deepen your connection with you.

This work is sooo powerful, fun and freeing. I love teaching it to women who are ready to show up and step out of their old patterns to create new, empowering and uplifting habits of high frequency living.

My clients have experienced incredible transformations leading them to incredible loving, healthy relationships, successful businesses and amazing lives of freedom, prosperity and joy! 

To learn more ways to work with these steps, take your work deeper and learn about my journey through personal tragedy and trauma to design and live a life I’m obsessed with, connect with me here, on Instagram and Facebook, where you can often catch me live.